

Spam Management for vbulletin 5


  • Spam Management for vbulletin 5

    I have been looking for a way to universally disable hyperlinks by putting the post in moderation in my vb5 forum until a member has made x number of posts. I can block hyperlinks in user groups, but that seems harsh when not everyone is trying to post a spam link. It would be nice to be able to have a newer member's post automatically go into moderation if it contained a link or even if it contained certain words or combinations of words like 'http' or 'www' or 'buy', etc.

    Is this something you could code or have interest in coding? Or perhaps, you know of a modification that already does this for vb5. I had a similar product in vb4 and it saved me a world of headaches by putting into moderation anything that was in the list of 'things that trigger moderation'

    This is already in vb5.
    If you look at it by adjusting, you need to do,
    Get Anti-Spam Akismet Content Key
    Detect Words as Spam, add spam words
    Detect URLs as Spam, after how many urls will be accepted as spam
    Posts that go outside the rules you set are automatically approved.

    Each member gets a trust score.
    It detects whether it is spam or not according to its trust score.
    New members have zero trust points.
    So, if these settings remain as they are, they are valid for new members

    You can test it by lowering the Detect URLs As Spam value.
    Add more than the maximum number of links you have given yourself as a safe member.
    Try it as a new member.
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    yilmaz He is a person who cares about knowledge and education and likes to share. Find out more about yilmaz

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      by yilmaz

      This is already in vb5.
      If you look at it by adjusting, you need to do,
      Get Anti-Spam Akismet Content Key
      Detect Words as Spam, add spam words
      Detect URLs as Spam, after how many urls will be accepted as spam
      Posts that go outside the rules you set are automatically approved.

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